Johnson and Johnson Contact Lenses

Johnson & Johnson is known for creating products people trust. This includes some of the world's most well-known brands, such as Acuvue soft contact lenses. Furthermore, they produce numerous other contact lens products designed to meet patients' unique needs. Optical Center offers many types of Johnson and Johnson contact lenses.

Acuvue contact lenses are daily disposable lenses designed to correct nearsightedness (myopia) or farsightedness (hyperopia). Each pack of six or 12 lenses provides enough correction.

Acuvue contact lenses are one of the most widely prescribed on the market, and with good reason: these daily disposable contacts are comfortable to wear and provide effective vision correction.

Affordable contact lenses have many features and benefits, with affordability being perhaps their greatest draw. A year's supply can usually be had for around $40 in drugstores.

And finally, they're very easy to take out and clean - there are even special wipes designed specifically for this task!

Optometric lenses are well-known for protecting the eyes from UV rays from the sun's harmful UV rays, which can cause permanent damage. Therefore, these lenses make an excellent option for anyone spending time outdoors.

Before purchasing contacts for the first time, if you are new to wearing contacts it is necessary to visit an eye doctor for a comprehensive eye exam and contact lens fitting. They will help find you suitable contacts that meet your individual needs while issuing you with a valid prescription for them.

Your eye doctor can recommend which lenses would best meet your eye care needs as well as when and how often to have them checked and maintained.

Johnson & Johnson Vision Care's Acuvue Vita brand of monthly disposable contact lenses feature HydraMax technology to keep them moist all month. This line is comprised of monthly disposable lenses for convenience, available as a monthly package from Johnson and Johnson Vision Care and manufactured under their most renowned contact lens brands.

Johnson & Johnson believes this technology can distinguish Acuvue Vita monthly contacts from others on the market and will help ensure they remain comfortable for an entire month, unlike other monthly lenses which may not provide as much comfort due to coatings.

Additionally, Acuvue Vita monthly contact lenses feature an innovative wetting agent designed to pull moisture from your tears into the lens itself, helping it remain comfortable throughout its wear time and provide lasting comfort compared to other monthly lenses available on the market. This may be what sets these apart.

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